Greek Tax Residency Webinar
A webinar presentation of the recently introduced Greek Non Dom Taxation regime.

A webinar presentation of the recently introduced Greek Non Dom Taxation regime. We are joined by Aspasia Malliou (Greek Tax Law expert) who will be providing us with an inside view of the newly adopted measures and we will explore together the benefits and limitations that they entail, along with James Belesiotis (CPA CA CAIT CISA CITP) to explore the impact changing Tax residency may have for Greek Canadians applying to the program.This webinar will be covering questions arising from the implementation of the new Greek taxation laws, such as:
• What are the tax and practical implications of changing my tax residence?
• Are there any planning opportunities in selling my business and retiring in Greece?
• How will my tax migration affect my tax status/assets in Canada?
• What are the benefits associated with the program and who can apply?
• Why should I consider Greece as my new tax base?
• I am a pensioner and want to retire in Greece. How do I apply?
We are also honoured to be joined by Ambassador of Greece to Canada Konstantina Athanassiadou, who will be introducing the topic to the Canadian audience.

Ambassador Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary of Greece to Canada
Born 17th April 1958, in Athens Greece, Ambassador Athanassiadou has a degree in Philosophy, Classical Studies, Linguistics and French Literature, from the Faculty of Philosophy – National Kapodistrian (Athens) University, and a degree in Medieval and Modern Greek Studies and History, from the Faculty of Philosophy – Ioannina University.
She successfully concluded her entry exams and joined the Foreign Ministry of Greece as Attaché of Embassy in 1986.
Having served in various positions in Athens at this early part of her career, she was appointed Secretary of Embassy in Moscow, in 1988. After completion of her term and upon returning to Athens, she joined the First Political Department of the Foreign Ministry for the former Soviet Union states. Promoted First Secretary of Embassy in 1994, she was appointed Head of the Repatriation Unit at the Political Director’s Office, while also becoming member of the Executive Board of the Foundation of Repatriated Greeks.

Lawyer (LL.M) and Economist
Aspasia is a lawyer (LL.M) and economist. She is the tax partner of the law firm “POTAMITISVEKRIS”. For more than thirty years she works as tax lawyer. She provides specialized services to professionals and individuals, representing them in Administrative Courts as well as the Council of State for cases regarding taxation of income, capital and transactions. She is also specialized in tax planning and corporate structuring for investors and family offices. She deals with private wealth matters.
Furthermore, Aspasia is the publisher and the director of the biweekly tax law Bulletin “DELTIO FOROLOGIKIS NOMOTHESIAS”, which is awarded from the “Academy of Athens” for its scientific contribution while it was recently awarded from the “Association of Owners of Press and Magazines” for its uninterrupted circulation as from September 1946.

James Belesiotis is a well-respected practitioner and published authority on international tax and in current practice. James holds professional tax accreditation internationally and participates in the Canadian Public Accountability Board (CPAB), which sets audit, accounting, and tax standards for listed companies. James has been an accredited tax specialist in public practice for more than 23 years. In addition to tax, his practice renders audits for listed and non-listed entities, special assurance reporting, accounting consultancy, and practice management services, including IT and Non-IT Forensics.

Co-President of The Hellenic Initiative Canada
Founding partner of Sotos LLP and conducts a broad transactions and dispute resolution practice with extensive experience representing companies engaged in franchise and distribution. Possesses unique expertise in franchising corporate networks and mergers of competing systems and offers an expert perspective on franchise regulation, having advised governments on both a national and international scale for over 25 years. Has significant expertise negotiating complex franchise matters and regularly represents clients across a broad range of industries including automotive, foodservice and hospitality sectors.
A frequent author and regular speaker on franchise distribution and regulation, John has been recognized as a leading lawyer in LEXPERT, Best Lawyers, International Who’s Who of Franchise Lawyers, International Who’s Who of Business Lawyers, Who’s Who Legal: Canada, and the LEXPERT/American Lawyer Media Guide to the Leading 500 Lawyers in Canada.

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